
Kahstoserakwathe Paulette Moore is an independent filmmaker, podcaster, and educator. Moore is Kanyen'kehà:ka (Mohawk), a fluent Kanyen'kéha speaker (ACTFL intermediate/high), and an enrolled member of Six Nations of the Grand River territory.
Moore is a founding member/co-owner of The Aunties Dandelion: a media organization informed by traditional Onkwehòn:we (Indigenous) teachings and focused on revitalizing communities through stories of land, language, and relationships. She spent two decades in Washington, DC as producer/director/writer with Discovery Channel, National Geographic, and others. Moore is a Banff 2023 Indigenous Screen Summit pitch participant and 2022 Banff Spark program participant for women who own media businesses.
The Aunties Dandelion recently completed their first fully funded short narrative film titled VESS, with Glen Gould (Mi’kmaq) in the title role along with Six Nations community members. The film is about a Six Nations carpenter/philosopher working through his considerable grief as he builds a home for a young family returning to territory.